Faucet leaking water do not ask yourself

Many people will experience faucet dripping and water leakage in their homes. Most people will not care about it at first. It is not a big deal to feel that one or two drops of water are missing. But in fact, this undoubtedly caused a great waste of water resources. Found that the faucet at home was leaking, it should be the first time to find out the reasons, if not a big problem, you can completely solve it yourself. Below, Xiao Bian introduced the solutions for leakage of several faucets.

First, the common three kinds of leakage and analysis of causes

1, the reasons for the water outlet leakage

That is due to the wear of the shaft washer inside the faucet. Use a pair of pliers to loosen and remove the cover cap, remove the shaft washer with a clamp, and replace with a new shaft washer.

2、 The cause of leakage of the gap in the lower part of the tap

That is because of the wear of the triangular gasket in the gland. You can loosen the screw to remove the boring head, then loosen the cover, and then remove the inside cover of the gland and replace with a new one.

3, take over the junction leakage

The cap nut is loosened, so you can re-tighten the cap nut or replace it with a new U-shaped gasket.


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