Autumn Tea Garden Management Technology

Shallow tillage and weeding, after applying the fertilizer tea garden, after many times of picking, the soil surface is generally solid, and at the same time, the weeds grow vigorously in the autumn tea garden. Therefore, it is necessary to combine the summer tea and the top dressing for a shallow tillage, and the topsoil is shallow. Cutting off the soil capillary can both inhibit and reduce the growth of weeds and loosen the topsoil. For young tea gardens, it is emphasized that the whole garden should be covered with grass, grass, water, straw, straw, etc., which will inhibit weed regeneration, reduce soil temperature and water evaporation, prevent flooding and soil erosion, and increase soil organic matter. They all have significant effects, and the average mu covers about 1,000 kilograms. The amount of topdressing of autumn tea should account for 20% of the topdressing fertilizer in the whole year . It is mainly based on quick-acting fertilizer. Generally , about 20 kg of urea is applied to the age-old tea garden to increase the output of autumn tea. For the newly-built tea garden, the thin human excrement should be applied to the stalks of the tea seedlings, and a small amount of chemical nitrogen fertilizer should be added to both the soil and the seedlings.


Replenishing seedlings and seedlings, planting green manure for the newly developed tea gardens, the survival rate is reduced due to drought, etc., resulting in the lack of ridges and ridges. In the late autumn season, the seedlings can be replanted according to the planting specifications of densely planted tea gardens, and the root water is poured to ensure survival. In order to enhance the ability of young tea seedlings to resist the normal growth of drought and freeze, and increase the soil organic matter, it is possible to interplant the autumn and winter green manure between the tea gardens and to press the green in early April . Winter green manure crops mainly bean, pea, radish fertile, beans, milk vetch and the like, may be combined weeding and cultivating autumn tea, slightly before sowing in late September to early October sowing, mountainous area, sufficiently to facilitate seedling Growing safely over the winter, pay attention to planting winter fertilizer, apply some fertilizer between the tea line, raise the big fertilizer with small fertilizer, apply the fertilizer to the spring fertilizer before planting, and raise the seedling with a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer to increase the green manure yield.


Batch diligently, refined tea should be based on the local tea garden climate characteristics and market conditions, timely, batch, leave the leaves to pick, with the mining, diligently harvesting high-grade autumn tea such as autumn bud tea, Qiulongjing, Qiu Maofeng, Improve the proportion of famous autumn tea. It is necessary to pay attention to proper tenderness, retention of fish leaves, and combination of retention and maintenance. It can be harvested until mid- October . If the drought is severe or the tree is weak, it should be harvested and the garden should be closed in advance. For young mining gardens, topping and retaining are the mainstays, supplemented by tenderness; for mature tea gardens, mainly for mining; for renewing tea gardens, for raising, combining and cultivating canopies.


Source: Agricultural Science and Technology News


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